[WT-support] RDAC: possible bug in scoring

Sante - IK0HBN ik0hbn at libero.it
Thu Aug 15 15:58:03 CEST 2013

Hi all,
I just check Win-test with next upcoming contest RDAC and I 
discovered that WT counts RDA (districts) only once, regardless of 
bands. That should sound right for RU stations but not for DX ones. I 
report below the point of updated rules, (2013).
Read all you later.
Any .DTB around so to have pre-filled reports? The latest one is os 2011.

10. Multipliers:
10.1. Russian stations: DXCC Entities on every band + RDA districts 
irrespective of band.
10.2. Non-Russian stations: RDA Districts.

11. Final Score:
11.1. Foreign entrants:
- the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by 
the sum of RDA districts.
11.2. Russian entrants:
- the final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by 
the sum of RDA districts and country multipliers.

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