[WT-support] Even more on WinTest and DX Cluster
Andrew O'Brien
andrewobrie at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 15:27:14 CET 2008
It is getting confusing responding to varying comments so I started a
fresh thread. I am still stuck and getting a tad more puzzled.
First , I do not use the PC as a network. At least the way I see it,
I do not. I have a single PC connected to the internet via an
ethernet cable to router and a cable modem. The instructions I have
received here suggest that under these circumstances, I should use in both set up areas, plus the IP address of the
cluster I am connecting to. When I do this, I can easily connect to
the DX cluster as you can see in the picture at
http://www.obriensweb.com/wtcluster.jpg (note the spots from
wtdxTelnet connected to an AR cluster, VE7CC). No spots appear in the
WT window called DX Cluster Monitor. Using commands produced by the
window that pops up after pressing ALT-T has no effect, there is no
communication between WT and wtDXtelnet. The contest I set up is
configured for all modes and DX cluster is set for all spots , not
band/mode specific.
Now consider this oddity. You may recall that on my other PC in the
house .... Wt and the cluster monitor work as they should. When I
double checked the settings last night I was surprised to find that I
did not have in the WT configure interfaces area.
Instead I am using and in Wintest
Network properties area. So on the second PC, with a separate
install of Wintest and wtDXTelnet on it, the cluster monitor works
NOT with in BOTH areas as instructed but with in one and in the other. The opposite
of the instructions I have received. the second PC is essentially the
same PC as my ham PC, same brand, same operating system.
So, one would think if the above works on the second PC, all I would
have to do is configure the ham PC the exact same way (
in the Interfaces Configuration area and Wintest
Network properties area). Alas, no such luck. The ham PC does not
connect WT and wtDXtelnet regardless of setting. Very baffling. By
the way, I do not have "disable communication with Wintest" checked
and I DO have enable ethernet network checked.
Just in case it matters, here is my PC configuration
Ham PC: Emachines 2.6 gig processor . OS= XP Home Edition, SP2.
Connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys router which in turn is
connected to a cable modem. The Linksys router is also connected via
an ethernet cable to a Linksys Wireless Access Point that distributes
a Wifi signal around the house.
Second PC: Emachines 2.6 gig processor (different model number from
ham PC) . OS= XP Home Edition, SP2. Connected to Internet via a
WiFi signal from the Wireless Access point.
By the way, I uninstalled 3.19 and installed 3.18, no luck
Thanks for all the comments.
Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)
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