[WT-support] Even more on WinTest and DX Cluster
Don Beattie
g3ozf at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 1 16:08:05 CET 2008
Just one point in case it helps.
I seem to remember a problem getting cluster spots to populate my band
map, and I think I traced it to having the contest set up as single op.
I seem to remember that WT only allows you look at the cluster if you've
set up the contest as multi op or Single Assisted.
I may be wrong, but there is something at the back of my mind that this
was a problem here once.
Don, G3BJ
Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> It is getting confusing responding to varying comments so I started a
> fresh thread. I am still stuck and getting a tad more puzzled.
> First , I do not use the PC as a network. At least the way I see it,
> I do not. I have a single PC connected to the internet via an
> ethernet cable to router and a cable modem. The instructions I have
> received here suggest that under these circumstances, I should use
> in both set up areas, plus the IP address of the
> cluster I am connecting to. When I do this, I can easily connect to
> the DX cluster as you can see in the picture at
> http://www.obriensweb.com/wtcluster.jpg (note the spots from
> wtdxTelnet connected to an AR cluster, VE7CC). No spots appear in the
> WT window called DX Cluster Monitor. Using commands produced by the
> window that pops up after pressing ALT-T has no effect, there is no
> communication between WT and wtDXtelnet. The contest I set up is
> configured for all modes and DX cluster is set for all spots , not
> band/mode specific.
> Now consider this oddity. You may recall that on my other PC in the
> house .... Wt and the cluster monitor work as they should. When I
> double checked the settings last night I was surprised to find that I
> did not have in the WT configure interfaces area.
> Instead I am using and in Wintest
> Network properties area. So on the second PC, with a separate
> install of Wintest and wtDXTelnet on it, the cluster monitor works
> NOT with in BOTH areas as instructed but with
> in one and in the other. The opposite
> of the instructions I have received. the second PC is essentially the
> same PC as my ham PC, same brand, same operating system.
> So, one would think if the above works on the second PC, all I would
> have to do is configure the ham PC the exact same way (
> in the Interfaces Configuration area and Wintest
> Network properties area). Alas, no such luck. The ham PC does not
> connect WT and wtDXtelnet regardless of setting. Very baffling. By
> the way, I do not have "disable communication with Wintest" checked
> and I DO have enable ethernet network checked.
> Just in case it matters, here is my PC configuration
> Ham PC: Emachines 2.6 gig processor . OS= XP Home Edition, SP2.
> Connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys router which in turn is
> connected to a cable modem. The Linksys router is also connected via
> an ethernet cable to a Linksys Wireless Access Point that distributes
> a Wifi signal around the house.
> Second PC: Emachines 2.6 gig processor (different model number from
> ham PC) . OS= XP Home Edition, SP2. Connected to Internet via a
> WiFi signal from the Wireless Access point.
> By the way, I uninstalled 3.19 and installed 3.18, no luck
> Thanks for all the comments.
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