[WT-support] Networking question
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Apr 4 21:13:41 CEST 2007
Hi John
John Warburton G4IRN a écrit :
> I set up a network of 7 or 8 Win-Test laptops on a wireless network via
> a Wireless Access Point with 'DHCP Server' enabled.
> The router's IP start address for dynamic allocation is
> The WT laptops do NOT have static IP addresses, they have Dynamic
> allocation of IP configured.
> Ethernet is enabled on each laptop with the same broadcast address and
> port number. Each station number is different.
> What will the consequence be of not setting fixed IP addresses on the
> laptops? (yes, I know the manual states you should use a static address!)
No consequece, as fas as you correctly set the broadcast address,
related to the subnet mask. Use the "DOS" ipconfig conmmand if needed.
> As far as I can work out, my router always allocates 192.168.0.* - will
> the network run quite happily?
See above.
We recommand to use static addresses because it is *much* easier to
debug when things go wrong. You exactly who's who on the network, and
the tests (ping etc.) are much easier to manage. Especially in a large
network and when computers are far away each others ;-)
> What if I need to reboot a laptop and it grabs a new unique IP address,
> within the 192.168.0.* range, on startup ?
Actually, it will not grab a "new address", because the lease time of an
IP is far superior than the reboot time (well, I hope so !). The DHCP
server keeps trace of all IPs it allocated, and relies on the MAC
address of the NIC which asked for an IP. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhcp for more details.
> Am I inviting trouble if I do not set the IP addresses as FIXED?
It mostly depends on your networking expertise and strategy.
Larry - F6FVY
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