[WT-support] Scrolling dx-spots with control keys setting
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sat Nov 16 21:33:15 CET 2024
Hi Steve et al.
Le 16/11/2024 à 21:05, Steef PA2A a écrit :
> that 's the solution, thanks! The key combinations were used for vfo-up
> and vfo-down.
Just a reminder: You can also type the callsign (or part of the
callsign) you want to grab + Ctrl-Space, instead of going step by step
until you reach a given callsign. It's usually faster and your hands
don't leave the keyboard.
It works for any callsign displayed in the radio window (whatever tab)
and the DX-cluster window.
Larry - F6FVY
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris
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