[WT-support] CQ .wav File with scratch at the end

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jul 15 18:03:23 CEST 2024

Hi Peter

Le 15/07/2024 à 17:48, Peter Weiß postanweiss at online.de a écrit :

> a friend  has recorded an audio .wav file with
> Adobe Audition 23.6 (Windows) for CQ calling with F1.

The wav files must have the following properties :

- Mono (1 channel)
- PCM encoded
- 22050 kHz sampling
- 16 bit signed, little endian samples

You can use the MediaInfo utility (among others) to check your files.


Larry - F6FVY


Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris

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