[WT-support] Offset-Window do not open

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jul 1 12:08:18 CEST 2024

Hi Ralf

Le 30/06/2024 à 16:10, Ralf Schueler a écrit :

> Clicking on the menu under options or using the offsetsetup,
> offsetssetup commands don't show the offset window. Nothing happens.
> May be it opens outside the screen or just nothing happens.
> With offset / nooffset the "frequency offset" option can be toggled.
> The Win-test version is the current 4.52.0. I run 2 other PCs with the
> same version where it works. Unfortunately, on the place with the
> transverters it fails :-(
> Is there a condition (in the program source code) which must be
> fulfilled to open the Offsets-window?

I can't reproduce this issue :-(

The dialog box is always positioned relative to the center of the main 
window (the log lines window).

Do you use child windows inside the main window or floating child 
windows ? (Options / Windows /...). For the record, I have tried both 
and the dlg box is always centered, no matter what.

I doubt it will make a difference, but what OS are you using ?


Larry - F6FVY


Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris

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