[WT-support] Problems with Miroham MKII WK and WT
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Nov 26 12:49:41 CET 2021
Hi Rick
Le 26/11/2021 à 12:43, Ricardo Navarrete a écrit :
> Last LZ contest I experienced a problem with winkey and Wintest, I need
> to test with N1MM and DXLog. The problem is with my spots in reverse
> beacon network and skimmers. When I'm cqing most of the skimmers spot me
> as EA4M but there are few spotting me as TA4M , well I tried with some
> more different callsigns (EA ham radio friends) and I got the same
> issue. I configured Win-test to use cw through DTR instead of using
> winkey and everything went fine.
> Any thought??
Check if the "1st extension" (and the "Keying compensation") in the
WinKey tab of the MicroHAM router is set to 0 ms.
Larry - F6FVY
All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability
to sit quietly in a room alone.
Blaise Pascal, Pensées
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