[WT-support] Problems with Miroham MKII WK and WT
Ricardo Navarrete
ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 12:43:29 CET 2021
Hello All
Last LZ contest I experienced a problem with winkey and Wintest, I need to
test with N1MM and DXLog. The problem is with my spots in reverse beacon
network and skimmers. When I'm cqing most of the skimmers spot me as EA4M
but there are few spotting me as TA4M , well I tried with some more
different callsigns (EA ham radio friends) and I got the same issue. I
configured Win-test to use cw through DTR instead of using winkey and
everything went fine.
Any thought??
My equipment is a FT-2000
Rick EA4M
Ricardo Navarrete López
ricardoea4zk at gmail.com
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