[WT-support] Slow response in bandmap
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sat May 6 23:42:00 CEST 2017
This is commonly caused by too many programs trying to poll the radio at
the same time, perhaps with a slow baud rate.
Exit all copies of NaP3 and any other program that may be polling the radio
(Elecraft K3?) at the same time as Win-Test. I'm sure if you reboot the
computer and radio, everything will be back to normal.
For now, do *not* set CONFIG: AUTOINF to AUTO 1 or AUTO 2 unless you *have* to
for a SteppIR or similar.
Bob, N6TV
On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 2:33 PM, <gt-i at gmx.net> wrote:
> Running Wt 4.24.
> Until today everything worked fine - hmm. Now, an update in the frequency
> takes about 1-2 seconds to show up in the VFO A display of the bandmap, and
> 2 seconds more until the needle of the band map jumped to the new
> frequency. If I enter a call sign before that jump, it will show up in the
> wrong place.
> I connected the TRX to a terminal program to check the connection - works
> immediately. Also, NaP3 follows immediately.
> I wonder if there is any setting int WT which I could have messed up
> somehow?
> tnx for help,
> Gernot DF5RF
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