[WT-support] Band Data - switching bands
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Feb 13 12:40:47 CET 2017
Hi Alexander et al.
Le 13/02/2017 à 11:40, Alexander Kurpiers a écrit :
> Yes, but my idea was to do it the other way round: external hardware to
> tell WIn-Test the current band by "simulating" key strokes...
As you pointed out, sending keystrokes might be a problem, depending on
the cursor position, and the field content (if any).
IMHO, the safest ways are to send a direct remote command via the
network, or to use a wtApp:TextCommand() in a script, just containing
the band (like "40", or "10G", etc.) which will be interpreted despite that.
Depending on your HW and/or your intents, I can elaborate.
Larry - F6FVY
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