[WT-support] Band Data - switching bands
Alexander Kurpiers
a.kurpiers at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 11:40:12 CET 2017
Hello Bob,
thank you for the quick answer.
see below.
73' Alexander
Am 13.02.2017 um 10:45 schrieb Bob Wilson, N6TV:
> See Options | Frequency Offsets
> <http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Options#Frequency_Offsets>, though
> there is no way to dynamically change these with a LUA Script.
The Frequency Offsets are ok (I'm using that already), but as the
frequency Win-Test "sees" is just the 146MHz from the IF (IC7400), this
information alone does not help.
> I suggest using a transceiver or transverter that is capable of
> returning the correct frequency to Win-Test via serial port
> communication, so that Win-Test can read the frequency directly,
> perhaps using OmniRig and a custom .ini file for your transverter.
How could I pass back the correct frequency? Through wtRadio:SetFreq()
Omnirig is maybe an option indeed. Just not sure how to customize it
(apparently it is open source and written in Pascal).
> I don't understand why AutoHotkey is required, and I recommend that
> you avoid it. Between DEFINEKEYS and LUA scripts, you should be able
> to send anything you want to any serial port using any keystroke
> combination.
Yes, but my idea was to do it the other way round: external hardware to
tell WIn-Test the current band by "simulating" key strokes...
> See this post
> <http://lists.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2016-December/085394.html>
> for a sample script to read or write to a serial port directly, though
> using OmniRig to control the transverter frequency should be much easier.
> You can use wtRadio:SetFreq() in a LUA script to change the frequency
> of the transverter, assuming you get it to work with OmniRig.
Ok, if I call SetFreq(), Win-Test would switch bands? So lets assume I
keep the current Radio setup (IC7400 aka IC746Pro) and would call
wtRadio:SetFreq() e.g. with a frequency in the 3400MHz band, it would
read out the Frequency Offset definition, send out the resulting 146MHz
frequency to the radio and switch internally to 3400?
If that works, that might be an option indeed. Then I could use your
script to open a serial interface to get the correct band.
I'll do a quick check to see...
> Yes, almost all USB-to-LPT adapters will not work, but you might have
> luck with this one:
> https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/basteln/PC/USB2LPT/
> <https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/%7Eheha/basteln/PC/USB2LPT/>
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 1:14 AM, Alexander Kurpiers
> <a.kurpiers at gmail.com <mailto:a.kurpiers at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to tightly couple our set of microwave transverters
> to the
> band setting in Win-Test. The transverters (2320/3400/5760MHz) are all
> connected to the same 146MHz radio (IC7400). Background: with several
> transverters on same TRX you accidentally log a QSO on the wrong
> microwave band... and - yes - sometimes you can be pretty busy even on
> microwave...
> The preferred way would be to do the band switching on the transverter
> side and somehow let Win-Test know which band is selected, but so
> far I
> have no idea how this could be done. The radio frequency does not help
> (it is 146MHz in all three cases). I know how to inject keyboard codes
> into Win-Test using AutoHotkey, but even then I would not know how to
> switch to a specific band from the keyboard either (you can enter the
> frequency in the call sign field, but to do that "automatically", you
> would have to clear this field first, and I do not dare to send the
> "F11", because some OP may have forgotten to press "enter" on the
> previous QSO before switching to another band...).
> Is there some LUA magic?
> The alternative is the band data available on the parallel port
> http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Interfaces#Band_Data
> <http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Interfaces#Band_Data>
> But first: as modern PCs do not have parallel ports anymore, it is not
> clear if the USB-LPT ports would work and second: bands >432MHz
> are not
> signalled (although the change in the software would probably be easy
> enough). But given the old interface, not clear if a good way to
> do it...
> Last option: Win-Test sends out UDP broadcasts with the current
> frequency. I know that there is a solution based on Raspberry Pi to
> monitor and switch the transverters accordingly.
> Myself, I was thinking of using an old AVR-NET-IO
> (http://www.pollin.de/shop/dt/MTQ5OTgxOTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Bausaetze_Module/Bausaetze/Bausatz_AVR_NET_IO.html
> <http://www.pollin.de/shop/dt/MTQ5OTgxOTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Bausaetze_Module/Bausaetze/Bausatz_AVR_NET_IO.html>)
> - because I don't know what to do with it anyway ;-)
> 73' Alexander DL8AAU (DR9A)
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