[WT-support] Keyer speed using K3 macro

IZ4MJP Franco franco at iz4mjp.com
Mon Apr 20 12:21:42 CEST 2015

During last CW contest i’ve used for the first time the CW macro of WinTest 4.16 with my Elecraft K3 (connected via CAT).

I’ve noticed that i can’t modify the keyer macro speed using the K3 Speed Knob. 

My goal is to change the speed of  * the CW sent via the macros* and not via the paddle itself.

It seems that the Macro speed is independent from Paddle speed.

Is there a way to let WinTest to “read” the Keyer Speed Knob of the K3 or, if not, to specify the WPM speed of the text sent via the Macro?

Many thanks.

Vy 73
Franco, IZ4MJP - HB9EIH

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