[WT-support] Caution: latest Windows Update breaks fake "FTDI" USB-to-Serial adapters
Lup S. DJ7SW
dj7sw at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 23 19:46:56 CEST 2014
The Prolific drivers and also the interfaces are said to be bad by radio amateurs. That was never true for original interfaces. Instead of prolific or
now ftdi chips, the sold inferfaces contain chinese made microprozessor chips. Now the empire hits back. On the
prolific site they offer a test program to check, if you use an original prolific chip. The same is offered on the ftdi site. The newer
drivers can no longer used together with chinese clone chips. The cables/chips are not killed, only the driver is killed by Microsofts Update.
Microsoft reads the USB Identifier and if it is wrong, it kills the driver for the chinese bastards.
The nirsoft program "USBDeview" shows you the usb hardwareidentifier (PID). So, secure the the old drivers, only these will work.
More information gives you this blog:
This is valid for Apple Computers updates too.
So dear chinese cloners invent yourself something own and let it certify by MS instead of cloning other ideas!
The world is bad! isnt it?
73 de Lup, DJ7SW
mailto:dj7sw at yahoo.com
On Wed, 10/22/14, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net> wrote:
Subject: [WT-support] Caution: latest Windows Update breaks fake "FTDI" USB-to-Serial adapters
To: "Win-Test Reflector" <support at win-test.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 5:41 PM
I have not
experienced this myself. I don't know anyone
personally who has seen this yet.
Reports indicate that the latest Windows Update
will permanently damage a USB-to-Serial adapter if it is
found to be using a "fake" or "cloned"
FTDI chip instead of a genuine FTDI chip.
This applies to Windows 7 and later. You can
read more about it there:
Recommendation: if you use a USB-to-Serial
adapter based on the FTDI chipset, avoid any Windows Updates
until after contest season, or use Windows XP instead of
Windows 7 or 8.
If you use an adapter based on Prolific, you may
have other problems. I believe there are far more fake
Prolific adapters than fake FTDI adapters. These fake
Prolific adapters often cause a random "Blue Screen of
Death," or they work for a little while then
mysteriously stop working.
How do you know if you have a genuine
USB-to-Serial adapter or a fake one? There apparently is
no easy way to tell (yet). Post something here if you
discover a utility that can help.
In the mean time, buy name brand (such as GearMo)
from reputable dealers (such as Amazon.com), and you should
be OK.
73,Bob, N6TV
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