[WT-support] Why no BARTG RTTY Support
Wes Printz, W3SE/ZL3TE
w3se at dxer.com
Tue Jan 15 22:00:42 CET 2013
Hi JIm,
I have Used WT in some BARTG contests in the past. You can select another contest module with the same exchange info. Such as OCDX exch is RST / Ser No. BARTG Sprin is Ser. No. If you do not want to send 599, remove the the $RST tag from your F2 Message etc...
When I have a chance later I will look through my BARTG files and let you know which WT Contest files I have used.
Granted, Onscreen Scoring may not be accurate, but the Cabrillo file does not convey scores to the robot.
Hope this is of some help.
Wes, W3SE / ZL3TE
--- On Wed, 16/1/13, James Balls <makidoja at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
From: James Balls <makidoja at hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: [WT-support] Why no BARTG RTTY Support
To: "support at win-test.com" <support at win-test.com>
Date: Wednesday, 16, January, 2013, 12:44 AM
I'm a little disgruntled to find that after purchasing and learning Wintest I cannot use it for the up and coming BARTG Sprint or BARTG RTTY contests yet the SARTG contest is supported!
This means I have to go and learn another contest software package which I think is not a "Good Advert" for wintest
Please could these contests be supported!
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