[WT-support] Handing out "true" reports
'Zaba' OH1ZAA
elefa at wippies.fi
Sat May 5 23:00:26 CEST 2012
Thanks very much, Bob!
Now, that is very impressive to get such extensive guidance on WT-programming.
It seems that I am in for quite a study, with a number of subroutines to master...
Actually I just signed up today for this list, after installing the demo-version. Got it
to log virtual CW-QSO's very quickly, but the WT-audio from the PC was chopped.
No radio's involved yet. Went out to prepare a Microham USB-interface for FT-920,
but did not finish it yet, and the rig waits on destination.
For the developers my wish would be: I hit one number first every time when
addressing a new call: e.g hitting 7 builds the 579 report after I have typed
the call sign of the station. This is to keep my blood pressure at minimum by
minimizing the number of movements per QSO. With time I will go through
the different options, and see if my wish makes any sense...
Thanks very much again, Bob! 73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA / NNoY
"Bob Wilson, N6TV" [n6tv at arrl.net] wrote:
> There are a couple of ways to have Win-Test send "honest" signal reports to
> each station worked, depending on what you find most convenient.
> Already built in to Win-Test, the $RST macro in a CW or RTTY message will
> send whatever is present in the "Sent" column of the logging window. You
> can press the TAB key once (instead of spacebar) to move the cursor to the
> RST Sent column and change it from 599 to whatever you like. So the
> "normal" key sequence would be:
> 1. Type the callsign or the first part of it only
> 2. Press Tab
> 3. Change the RST Sent to the "true" RST if it is not 599
> 4. Press INSERT (or Enter, if you are using ESM mode)
> (To enable ESM mode, type ESM [Enter] in the logging window. Use NOESM
> [Enter] to disable it).
> 5. Win-Test sends the callsign and "true" RST
> 6. Press space bar twice to move the cursor back to the callsign field
> to finish typing the callsign before Win-Test has finished sending it
> If this seems too difficult or too awkward, you can use another
> alternative. There are twelve "additional" CW messages you can access by
> pressing Alt-C. To each message assign one of the RST values you wish to
> use, e.g.
> etc.
> Press Alt-C then F1 to F*n* to play the corresponding message.
> If you prefer to use a single keystroke like Alt-1 to Alt-5, or F8-F10 and
> F12 to send these messages, avoiding the pop-up window, you may use a
> simple LUA script such as the attached, which calls the function
> wtKeyer:PlayAdditionalMsg(msgNum)
> Use Tools | Scripts Manager to assign each of the scripts to the desired
> key.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:50 AM, 'Zaba' OH1ZAA <elefa at wippies.fi> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all!
> >
> > The last 40 years I have written my logs by hand (except maybe during a
> > short DOS-RTTY spell many years ago).
> >
> > Today I downloaded the demo-version of Win-test and it looks very
> > promising We are taking off for a VP9-expedition on Monday and I am running
> > out of time for all preparations, so I would appreciate a short advice on
> > CW-operating.
> >
> > Outside contests (and even then) I find it pretty boring to hand out
> > strings of 599 reports, especially while that hardly ever reflects the true
> > state of the existing condition. So, in Win-Test, do I have to program
> > various reports, e.g. from 539 to 599 in some Function key memories, or
> > (that would be on my wish list) can I, before or after typing the call sign
> > of my QSO-partner hit just one number key to generate the RST-message to be
> > sent out? As a selectable option: Hitting one number before feeding the
> > call sign, that would be ideal!
> >
> > Cheers/73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA (/VP9 May 7th - May 13th) --- Never used
> > WT before, nor with a rig connected!
> >
> >
> >
Wippies-vallankumous on täällä! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa ja liity Wippiesiin heti!
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