[WT-support] Handing out "true" CW reports during a DX-pedition
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sat May 5 22:15:37 CEST 2012
There are a couple of ways to have Win-Test send "honest" signal reports to
each station worked, depending on what you find most convenient.
Already built in to Win-Test, the $RST macro in a CW or RTTY message will
send whatever is present in the "Sent" column of the logging window. You
can press the TAB key once (instead of spacebar) to move the cursor to the
RST Sent column and change it from 599 to whatever you like. So the
"normal" key sequence would be:
1. Type the callsign or the first part of it only
2. Press Tab
3. Change the RST Sent to the "true" RST if it is not 599
4. Press INSERT (or Enter, if you are using ESM mode)
(To enable ESM mode, type ESM [Enter] in the logging window. Use NOESM
[Enter] to disable it).
5. Win-Test sends the callsign and "true" RST
6. Press space bar twice to move the cursor back to the callsign field
to finish typing the callsign before Win-Test has finished sending it
If this seems too difficult or too awkward, you can use another
alternative. There are twelve "additional" CW messages you can access by
pressing Alt-C. To each message assign one of the RST values you wish to
use, e.g.
Press Alt-C then F1 to F*n* to play the corresponding message.
If you prefer to use a single keystroke like Alt-1 to Alt-5, or F8-F10 and
F12 to send these messages, avoiding the pop-up window, you may use a
simple LUA script such as the attached, which calls the function
Use Tools | Scripts Manager to assign each of the scripts to the desired
Bob, N6TV
On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:50 AM, 'Zaba' OH1ZAA <elefa at wippies.fi> wrote:
> Hi all!
> The last 40 years I have written my logs by hand (except maybe during a
> short DOS-RTTY spell many years ago).
> Today I downloaded the demo-version of Win-test and it looks very
> promising We are taking off for a VP9-expedition on Monday and I am running
> out of time for all preparations, so I would appreciate a short advice on
> CW-operating.
> Outside contests (and even then) I find it pretty boring to hand out
> strings of 599 reports, especially while that hardly ever reflects the true
> state of the existing condition. So, in Win-Test, do I have to program
> various reports, e.g. from 539 to 599 in some Function key memories, or
> (that would be on my wish list) can I, before or after typing the call sign
> of my QSO-partner hit just one number key to generate the RST-message to be
> sent out? As a selectable option: Hitting one number before feeding the
> call sign, that would be ideal!
> Cheers/73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA (/VP9 May 7th - May 13th) --- Never used
> WT before, nor with a rig connected!
> --
> Wippies-vallankumous on täällä! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen
> eturintamassa ja liity Wippiesiin heti!
> http://www.wippies.com/
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