[WT-support] Rotator protocol

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Dec 28 22:57:01 CET 2012

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Peter Stuge <peter at stuge.se> wrote:

>  I suggest supporting the Hy-GainĀ® DCU-1 protocol, which is one of
> > the oldest.
> Why that one in particular?

Well, maybe it is not the best choice after all.  See this
talks about some of the limitations of the DCU-1 protocol (e.g., no
Elevation control, just azimuth).

Which controller type supports the highest baud rate?

In the table half way down the PstRotator
webpage<http://www.qsl.net/yo3dmu/index_Page346.htm> it
says the AlfaSpid BIG-RAS/HR  supports 460800 baud (!).  If that's not a
typo, the second highest is the OE5JFL, supporting 115200 baud.

Bob, N6TV
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