[WT-support] Version 4.8.0
Ulrich Mauer
Ulrich.Mauer at t-online.de
Wed Jul 6 20:37:46 CEST 2011
What are the advantages of the new version.
I tried to find something, but I could only find something about version 4.7.0
73 Ulrich DK9UMA
Contestgroup Wittgenborn www.DP6T.de
----- Original Message -----
From: Jorge K
To: support at win-test.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] TS-590 COM settings
Hi Harry:
Using a real RS232 I use 19200 N 1 DTR Handshake RTS always on and DonĀ“t poll unchecked. Put in menu 61 same baudrate. After changing baudrate turn transceiver off and on.
Using firmware 1.04.
Jorge LU5V V
On 6 Jul 2011 at 10:30, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
Hi Harry,
Are you using the Kenwood (HF) defaults, with DTR and RTS set to "Always OFF"? Are you also using a USB-to-Serial adapter instead of a "real" serial port? Some of these USB-to-Serial adapters may require DTR to be set to "Always ON". Try that.
Also in Win-Test, if the "Don't poll" checkbox is checked, UNCHECK it.
If neither of these things seems to help, you may have to try a different USB-to-Serial adapter, preferably one based on the FTDI chipset rather than one based on the Prolific chipset. It is very hard to get USB-to-Serial adapters based on the Prolific chipset to work properly.
If you are using a microHAM virtual serial port, we'll need more details about how it is configured.
Another possibility is to try OmniRig for TS-590 support, rather than the support built-in to Win-Test.
PA2A's comment about firmware 1.04 is also somewhat troubling.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:07 AM, RA3AUU/P33W <ra3auu at srr.ru> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Trying to get Win-test working with TS-590 but not quite successful.
Using 4800 8-N-2 at the Win-test side and 4800 at the radio side.
The 590 follows Win-test commands (changing bands and modes, following
cluster spots) but Win-test doesn't show any changes of the 590's
frequency change.
Any ideas ?
73, Harry RA3AUU
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