[WT-support] RTTY with FT-990
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Mon Feb 7 23:22:05 CET 2011
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Simon Schelkshorn <simon at schelkshorn.de>wrote:
> Problem 1:
> As long as Win-Test is NOT started the Microham USB-Device-Router
> displays the correct frequency and mode and everything seems to work
> as intended. When starting Win-Test it often happens that the Device-
> Router shows a totally wrong frequency (e.g. 0.005,32) and also a
> wrong mode. In this state you can't do anything useful (e.g. Win-Test
> won't send CW because it believes the TRX is set to SSB, even though
> it really is set to CW, etc.) Only thing that "solves" the problem is
> closing Win-Test. Then the Device-Router immediately shows the
> correct status.
Win-Test manual says:
COM port set to 4800 bauds, 8 data bits, no parity, no flow control and 2
stop bits.
For DTR and RTS, see FT-1000D below. Tnx F6GOX, NX5M.
COM port set to 4800 bauds, 8 data bits, no parity, no flow control and 2
stop bits.
When using a powered CAT interface such as the Yaesu FIF-232C CAT interface
box and CT-62
cable, set DTR and RTS to Always OFF.
When using a "passive" (not powered) interface cable such as the K1NU CAT
Control Cable, set
DTR to Always OFF, RTS to Always ON. Tnx F5FLN, NX5M, NQ4I.
What were you using for flow control (DTR and RTS)? When using microHAM, I
think you'll want to set this to Always OFF.
The symptoms sound like a baud rate or handshaking issues. Perhaps the
FT-990 code in Win-Test has problem. Instead of selecting radio type
FT-990, try setting radio type to OmniRig. First install OmnRig for free
from http://www.dxatlas.com/omnirig, configure it for the FT-990, then start
Win-Test. (Note that you must uncheck the radio's virtual COM port in
Win-Test to allow OmniRig to take over the CAT functions for Win-Test). If
OmniRig works fine when configured exactly the same as Win-Test re.
handshaking protocol and baud rates, then there probably could be a problem
with the Win-Test FT-990 code (or the way it talks to the microHAM virtual
COM port).
Problem 2:
> When the TRX is set to RTTY, Win-Test assumes it is set to SSB. I
> first thought this may be a limitation of the CAT protocol, but as
> the Device-Router shows the correct mode it seems to also be a Win-
> Test issue.
Did you select MODE=RTTY or MIXED in the Contest Configuration screen? What
mode is shown in the logging window? When using mixed (e.g, for contest
type DXpedition), does Ctrl-F1 cycle between radio modes properly?
Bob, N6TV
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