[WT-support] HELP!
ct1ilt at sapo.pt
ct1ilt at sapo.pt
Sat Sep 25 01:59:32 CEST 2010
Hello Bob,
Citando "Bob Wilson, N6TV" <n6tv at arrl.net>:
> Also make sure "Source" is not set to MONO under the MISC tab of MMTTY setup (bad example, here[1]).
> Confirmed, I followed all Win-Test instructions.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Bob Wilson, N6TV <n6tv at arrl.net[2]> wrote:
> Filipe,
> I don't have enough information, so I can only guess.
> I am using 2xTS870 and using 2xcable similar to this one (http://www.packetradio.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=136)
> Make sure the stereo T-adapter is plugged all the way in to the LINE IN jack of the sound card, not MIC. IN. It is easy to mix them up.
> Already checked, it is all the way in and it is in the LINE IN for sure.
> Make sure there is no RFI when you connect the common grounds between both Radio 1 and Radio 2 through the T connector. If you are using Elecraft K3, use the LINE OUT jacks not the headphone jacks. Only use the left (VFO A) channel from each radio. Ignore VFO B / Sub Rx (right channel). Turn down the RTTY monitor sidetone in the radio so that when radio 1 transmits, very little audio leaks through to radio 2.
> I did put ferrites everywhere, even though I will Low Power on this one.
> Connect a heavy braid (coax shield) directly between both radio's ground posts so that any RF stays away from the audio line shield as much as possible.
> Use FSK instead of AFSK. Make sure the station Mic. is MUTED.
> I have it set for FSK and not AFSK
> Make sure you are starting TWO copies of MMTTY in separate directories. Each copy of MMTTY must be installed in a /separate/ directory, e.g. Radio1 uses C:\Program Files\MMTTY\MMTTY.EXE and Radio2 uses C:\Program Fiels\MMTTY2\MMTTY.EXE. See this link for an example. MMTTY 1 should monitor LEFT channel and MMTTY 2 should monitor RIGHT channel.
> Exactly as you have, even with those names
> Make sure you are not using any of the Advanced SO2R Scenarios that mix up the audio from both radios using $R1R2 etc.
> Only SO2R is checked, not the advanced
> Are you using MK2R+?
> If you still can't figure it out, I would have to see all the screen shots or you would have to install CrossLoop and a broadband connection for debugging the setup remotely.
> Well thanks for all the tips Bob, I think I will have to go SO1R :( everytime I TX on second radio, the audio freaks out completelly. the worst is when both MMTTY are receiving the same signal.
> Thanks
> Filipe Lopes CT1ILT aka CR6K
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:06 PM, <ct1ilt at sapo.pt> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to setup eveything for WW RTTY to operate SO2R but I am
> having an audio issue.
> I have audio from radio 1 into an RCA plug and audio from radio 2 into
> another RCA plug then I use a T from 2xRCA to Jack so I have 1 sign to
> tip of jack and the other signal to next contact of Jack plug.
> My problem is after TXing for example on Radio 1 the audio will be
> mixed up and appear on Both MMTTY windows or one will be with overflow
> signal and the other almost no signal.
> I have the Jack plug into LINE-IN port of my sound card SB LIVE 1400!
> I have chosen Left channel for RADIO A and right channel for RADIO B
> in MMTTY configs.
> any idea how to fix this so I have the proper audio on each MMTTY scope?
> Thank you
> Filipe CT1ILT aka CR6K
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[1] http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/BestPractice1#MMTTY
[2] mailto:n6tv at arrl.net
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