[WT-support] When open WinTest the Navigator start PTT.
Wes Printz, ZL3TE
zl3te at dxer.com
Thu Nov 25 03:57:48 CET 2010
Hi Georg,
I have a similar issue with the MFJ Voice keyer. My work around is to keep the voice keyer power OFF until after WT starts and takes control of the LPT port.
When XP starts, it triggers the LPT port low and will put the MFJ into Repeat mode. The same may happen with the Navigator.
Wes, W3SE / ZL3TE
--- On Thu, 25/11/10, Georg Magnússon <tf2ll at vesturland.is> wrote:
From: Georg Magnússon <tf2ll at vesturland.is>
Subject: [WT-support] When open WinTest the Navigator start PTT.
To: support at win-test.com
Date: Thursday, 25, November, 2010, 2:21 PM
Hi all.
Sinse I purchase and install the WinTest I have
problem and that is when I open WinTest the
Navigator start PTT and put the radio to transmit.
Is anyone who can help me solve this problem
I am using Yaesu FT-1000mp Mark-V, Navigator
interface and Windows XP.
73 de TF2LL
Georg Magnusson.
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