[WT-support] When open WinTest the Navigator start PTT.
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Nov 25 03:00:09 CET 2010
It sounds like you have DTR or RTS set to "Always ON" or "Handshake" in
Win-Test on the Radio 1 COM port, and Navigator is set up to do PTT on the
same COM port as the Radio CAT port.
See http://www.usinterface.com/linked/dm780setup.pdf
See page 4 and 5, PTT Selection. Use a *different* COM port for PTT and
Then start Win-Test and type SETUP [Enter].
Press the *Configure* button next to the *Radio 1* COM port. Then press the
big *FT1000-MP Defaults Settings* button to change DTR and RTS to ALWAYS
For PTT, in Win-Test, select the PTT COM port that you defined in the
Navigator software and set that COM port in Win-Test to *Other interface*.
Press the *Configure* button next to the Other interface COM port and
change *RTS (pin 7)* to *PTT* and press OK.
Please report results.
If you cannot get it to work, please send screen shots of Win-Test SETUP and
Navigator Manager DM780 | Tools | Navigator Manager Serial ports and the
PTT tab.
Bob, N6TV
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Georg Magnússon <tf2ll at vesturland.is>wrote:
> Hi all.
> Sinse I purchase and install the WinTest I have problem and that is when I
> open WinTest the Navigator start PTT and put the radio to transmit.
> Is anyone who can help me solve this problem ?
> I am using Yaesu FT-1000mp Mark-V, Navigator interface and Windows XP.
> 73 de TF2LL
> Georg Magnusson.
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