[WT-support] WT RTTY (radio 1) window width - font size
Tom W8JI
w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Mar 3 05:00:31 CET 2009
I understand the problem, but my point is it is easy to buy
or build a rotor control that does that unless you are using
a rotor with a selsyn indicator. Once in a while reach up
and poke a button or twist a knob, it is just as fast as
typing even with the extra distance for hand movement. We
have a box that sits next to the radio that changes
directions by poking a button. It could be made to work the
same way with a rotor.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill AC0W" <ac0w at charter.net>
To: <support at win-test.com>; "'Tom W8JI'" <w8ji at w8ji.com>
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [WT-support] WT RTTY (radio 1) window width -
font size
> Tom,
> Having operated from large stations I agree that rotor
> control is a not a
> needed feature for the large station. With multiple
> antennas and rotors
> automatic rotor control would be a bother.
> However, when operating from home with my single tower and
> single rotor,
> having rotor control available through the PC allows me to
> do other tasks
> that add to the score. I no longer have to pay attention
> to where the rotor
> is pointed, keep my hand on the rotor controls, etc. I can
> stay more focused
> on getting more QSO's into the log.
> We are not talking about typing in a call and the rotor
> automatically turn
> to that station. We are talking about the operator making
> a decision of when
> the rotor turns. Example is after running EU for a while
> you determine that
> it is time to work AF, type in 90 in the callsign field,
> CTRL- F10, rotor
> turns antenna to 90 degrees. While it is doing this you
> continue to make
> contacts or change bandes, etc. Sometime you do type in
> the call and
> CTRL-F10 to turn the rotor to that station, when you
> happen upon a juicy DX
> station.
> So the wear and tear people argue about does not happen.
> Like the previous writer, CT had this in the DOS days.
> Since this program is
> billed as the CT replacement I would hope at some point in
> time it would
> have the same features as CT had.
> Bill
> AC0W
> -----Original Message-----
> From: support-bounces at win-test.com
> [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On
> Behalf Of Tom W8JI
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 1:49 PM
> To: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY; support at win-test.com
> Subject: Re: [WT-support] WT RTTY (radio 1) window width -
> font size
> I recently had an opportunity to discuss with a very well
> known and
> experienced European contester who won several CQWW (with
> or without WT),
> and he told me that (in his opinion) all needed features
> to win a contest
> were yet included in Win-Test and future additions can be
> today considered
> as unnecessary ;-) Nevertheless some additions, like the
> rotors control,
> will be included someday for sure because it frees time
> and keep the op.
> focused on the pile-up.>>>
> I think very few larger stations use automatic rotor
> controls. By the time
> rotors turn it is too late unless you are waiting to call
> someone that
> cannot hear you very well, in which case you have all the
> time in the world
> to manually turn a rotor. If stations are calling and the
> rotor would turn
> with every callsign, the rotor would wear out in no time!
> If you barely
> change the direction, then the fact you might have to poke
> a button one in a
> while is no big deal.
> Most larger stations won't have many rotors and would not
> want antennas with
> rotors to turn automatically very often.
> Our goal is to not have any antenna rotors at all. Right
> now we have only
> two, one on a tower that takes two minutes to turn
> stop-to-stop, and another
> on a small multiplier antenna for 40-10. Neither one would
> be automatically
> turned. The most simple interface to use outside the
> software is an
> automatic rotor controller, so it is not a show stopper
> for anyone.
> I assume from your response the CW interfaces will likely
> not be upgraded to
> work properly or completely in all functions, and
> everything else will
> pretty much stay the way it is including two radio on the
> same band
> operations or improved RTTY operation. Is this correct?
> This is really what
> I need to know for our future plans.
> 73 Tom
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