[WT-support] Friend.ini file

Steve and Judy hodgson at cytanet.com.cy
Sun Sep 7 12:41:18 CEST 2008

Thanks for the reply Bob.

Yes that is the file produced by Don AF4Z.

I previously used with the WF1B software.
When setting up the F3 macro for confirming a Qso, if you typed in - N6TV - Tks - <Hi> de ZC4LI  then  when you hit the F3 key  it would send N6TV TKS BOB. de ZC4LI.

Presumably if I follow your instructions I should be able to do the same in Win-Test. 

Another subject.

During the RU RTTY Contest yesterday the progamme locked up and I had to quit and then restart to get going again, is this a common occurence and has it been reported b4 ?

73 Steve  ZC4LI

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