[WT-support] Contrl+Tab - Part II
José Nunes CT1BOH
ct1boh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 11:29:47 CET 2007
Indeed there seems to be something broken but here is my candid advice:
Forget this RUN and S&P mode. Don't use it at all.
IF you have
F2 = 5NN14
F4 = EA4TX
All you have to do when you are in S&P mode is to push F4 to call a station
and F2 to send your report and this is all the same in whatever "mode" you
are operating, with no need to change mode in the menu, nor your mind set in
the contest.
I really love simplicity, but may be I fail to understand this RUN and S&P
mode thing.
Why add complexity when you can have it standard for whatever action you are
taking in the contest independent of modes?
I believe this RUN and S&P modes were a sort of "quick-win" for not having
ESM in place.
By the way I'm not a believer in the ESM mode as well.
On Nov 8, 2007 9:34 AM, Pablo - EA4TX <ea4tx at ea4tx.com> wrote:
> Laurant and group,
> I don't know if previous release has changed something at this point.
> Yesterday, before to write my email, I did the tests with lastest WT
> release, and my conclusions are:
> WT running with SO2R Advanced mode.
> Case A: Focus on Radio 1: (Caps lock OFF)
> =========================
> Changing from RUN to S&P (and vice versa), CLOCK window displays correctly
> the mode: RUN or S/P
> Case B: Focus on Radio 2: (Caps lock ON)
> =========================
> Changing from RUN ro S&P (and vice versa), no indicator displays the
> status.
> So there is not way to know what message is going to be TX on case B.
> Clock
> window displays RUN or S/P status only applied to Radio 1.
> Could anyone test it? Maybe I'm wrong, but I tested it several times with
> my
> config; maybe there is some window that I must open which displays it (?)
> 73's Pablo - EA4TX
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Laurent HAAS - F6FVY [mailto:f6fvy at free.fr]
> Enviado el: jueves, 08 de noviembre de 2007 0:11
> Para: support at win-test.com; ea4tx at ea4tx.com
> Asunto: Re: [WT-support] Contrl+Tab - Part II
> Hi Pablo and Dani
> By merging your two emails, I read :
> EA4TX - Pablo a écrit :
> > Imagine now, you are
> > on Radio 2 (caps lock ON), so you could use RUN or S&P status. Each
> > status has different messages, so the problem is that with the focus
> > on Radio 2, you cannot know if you are RUN or S&P (Ctrl-Tab), because
> > there is not any indicator.
> And Dani wrote :
> >> I find a sign in the window of secondary radio that indicates me >>
> when I am >> in RUN or S/P, simply looking.
> Dani also wrote :
> >> But when I am in main radio and I press Contrl+Tab several times, >>
> no
> longer >> you where I am in RUN or S/P, I have to send F1 to know where I
> >> am (RUN or >> S/P).
> >> Could it put on an indicator, or didn't I see it maybe?.
> And Paolo said :
> > Of course, with the focus on radio 1, at the CLOCK Window you get the
> > indicator reported by George
> Did I miss something ?
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
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José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
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