[WT-support] euhfc.dtb
Patrick 9A5CW
pat.9a5cw at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 15:27:44 CEST 2007
about HF.dtb and default.scp...
Zoli have you tried to make new default.scp with filtered EU calls?
On 8/3/07, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr> wrote:
> Hi Zoli
> Zoli Pitman HA1AG a écrit :
> > as far as I see this EUHFC DTB is full of DX calls. which are disturbing
> in EUHFC.
> You're right. Nobody else noticed that before ;-)
> I just modified the file (and removed the .zip - not really necessary).
> Now, it only includes european callsigns with their appropriate licence
> year. To be honest, this database is pretty old (2005) but AFAIK, there
> is no more complete public database available.
> http://download.win-test.com/databases/EU_HF.DTB
> > I downloaded the latest master.scp from K5ZD webpage, and filtered out
> all the non-EU calls and named it to EU_HF.SCP . It works fb but I needed
> to delete the HF.DTB not to have the DX calls (according to Wiki this is
> obsoleted anyway) and WT keeps complaining about not finding it at every
> startup. However despite the complain the SCP works this way fb.
> > According to the Wiki page: "The preferred format is SCP." and "Finally,
> if WT do not find a specialized file for the current contest, it will use
> HF.* and VHF.* files."
> >
> > So my question is why WT is complaining about not finding HF-WTB when it
> is not needed at the first place (the relevant SCP's are present and
> properly loaded). I tried it with only EU_HF.SCP and MASTER.SCP being
> present at startup as well as with both being in WT dir.
> I will check that and inform.
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
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9A5CW - Patrik Hrvatin
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