[WT-support] "after-contest" impressions from a newcomer

Nick J. Sinanis F5VIH/SV3SJ f5vih at free.fr
Mon Jul 31 20:35:11 CEST 2006


perhaps related to this,

f6irf at free.fr wrote:
> - Experienced many speed problems with winkey v.10 when speed changes (++/--)
> are used within messages... (ie sometimes the serial is sent very QRS, and
> sometime at the same speed as 5NN...)  Also some latency sometimes when a F-key
> is pressed. Sometimes repeating the call or the serial is impossible (pressing
> F3 or F4 does nothing...).
> It seems to work far better using RTS-CW and DTR-PTT on the CAT com port of the
> microham, but just tried quickly after the contest...

I am using LPT CW keying (both RTS and DTR) and pretty frequently I 
change the speed of keying while or very just before transmitting (bad 
habit?). For instance, running at 34 wpm and before or while responding 
to a QRS operator I hit alt-F9 a few times, or sometimes the opposite 
(increasing speed). Especially increasing the speed before (while) 
transmitting frequently has the consequence to send at very low speed 
e.g. 22wpm - which for a fast correspondent likely sounds as replying to 
an email only using bold characters :-)

Perhaps this is unrelated to the winkey problem abovr, but if otherwise, 
it may give the developers a hint about the root cause.

73's Nick

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