[WT-support] "after-contest" impressions from a newcomer
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jul 31 17:39:10 CEST 2006
Hi !
f6irf at free.fr a écrit :
> - Hamcap (ctrlP) use to work on my machine before installation of ver 3 - does
> not anymore. Pressing CTRL-P crashes wintest(*) (though the call info is
> properly transferred to hamcap, if open). Tried to remove transfer of indexes,
> etc, without success.
> (*) a window pops-up to saying: sorry, but wintest has to close!
Pretty strange. Nothing wrong here...
I'm using HamCAP 1.4. What are your selected options in the Options /
HamCAP menu ?
> - With my Pro2, experience abt 2s latency with CAT, when clicking on a spot, or
> when changing band , even with baudrate set at 19200. Note: The bandmap follows
> the VFO changes accurately and without latency, but the opposite is not true (I
> use the microkeyer as CAT interface).
Maybe smth abt the CI-V transceive mode ? As I don't own an ICOM, it's
just a comment...
> - Experienced many speed problems with winkey v.10 when speed changes (++/--)
> are used within messages... (ie sometimes the serial is sent very QRS, and
> sometime at the same speed as 5NN...) Also some latency sometimes when a F-key
> is pressed. Sometimes repeating the call or the serial is impossible (pressing
> F3 or F4 does nothing...).
> It seems to work far better using RTS-CW and DTR-PTT on the CAT com port of the
> microham, but just tried quickly after the contest...
WinKey related. I know Olivier is working on it. Pretty thought job !
> - databases: assuming that good reasons for not using standard databases exist
> (?)
There _are_ good reasons : I don't consider the K5ZD files as databases.
It is just preprocessed callsigns lists. They do not include any
additional data (like the default exchange etc...). Most of the Win-Test
DTB files do.
> tools should be provided to allow users to customize their databases (ie
> master.dta and "contest specific" historical data). A way to download updated
> databases from the software should be provided.
We are working on it.
> - Having to press ctrl-enter to enter a call in bandmap is a waste of time - a
> QSY should automaticaly enter the call in bandmap and wipe the entry field.
> Furthermore calls cannot be transferred by mouse click from the "check
> partial" window to entry window, which slows down the S&P process.
Can you elaborate ? I don't see the connection between the check partial
window and the log entry field ??? In what case would it be useful (I
mean _really_ useful) and faster than typing ?
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