[WT-support] V3 and RTTY
Tom Wylie
t.wylie at ntlworld.com
Wed Jul 5 20:10:02 CEST 2006
Hi Chris
No I do not have it working yet but due to other things, I haven't spent
much time on it. Basically I downloaded version 3
or should I say upgraded my version 2. The MMTTY screen came up right
away. I went into the RTTY tab and set it to MMTTY and straight away
I could decode and print rtty on my screen. When I press one of the
"F" buttons at the bottom of the screen - nothing happens.. It does
not TX.
I am running the microham microkeyer and it works FB with RCKrtty and
RCKlog and of course MMTTY works OK on its own. I am using the
templates provided for the microkeyer for MMTTY and WIN-TEST. It
shows rig control on COM 3 (works fb) and FSK/PTT on COM 5 - I am not
sure if I have EXTFSK.DLL in my MMTY prog directory, but as I said it
works OK with all other RTTY software I have.
All my cables have been plugged in for months and work.....hihi
I will play with it a little longer. I know from other messages that
Olivier has other business and is very busy I dont want to bother him.
I will be on 40m ssb at the weekend in the IARU Contest from GB5HQ--
73 de tom
Christian Janssen wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> not sure if you got an answer to your question of keying with COM5.
> But here my experiences with the microham USB interface and WT/MMTTY.
> You have to make following settings in MMTTY window:
> - Option - Setup - TX tab
> PTT port EXTFSK (therefore you have to copy EXTFSK.DLL in your MMTTY
> program dir)
> radio command: set your trx you have with the approp. COM port
> - Option - Setup - misc
> TX port: COM-TxD (FSK) and USB port: processing method limited speed
> (option C)
> and you must have plugged in your cables properly...hi
> If any more questions please write, i will try to help.
> Vy 73s de Chris DL1MGB
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