[WT-support] QUESTIONS

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Mon Oct 7 11:41:13 CEST 2024

To obtain a new registration key for a new PC, see:


For 2Tone instructions, see

Win-Test control of IC-735 should work fine via USB to CI-V adapter cable
or Icom CT-17 or equivalent to the IC-735 REMOTE connector (CI-V):


Bob, N6TV

On Sun, Oct 6, 2024, 8:37 AM hk6psg <hk6psg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Buenas soy Luis, tengo algunas preguntas
> No he podido actualizar el programa me dice q hay un error en la clave
> para poder descargarlo
> Se puede unir el win-test con el 2 tone? Como se puede hacer? Algún
> tutorial de como unir y configurar ambos?
> Yo uso un Ic 735 y una signalink para trabajar digitales, tengo un
> problema el programa no me lee el radio y cada vez q hago un contacto me
> queda en otra frecuencia, yo se  q eso no importa pero me guataria saber si
> es posible hacer q el programa me lea el radio, o si de pronto sabe de
> alguien q sepa hacer esa unión pues me encantaría hablar con esa persona
> Muchas gracias por la atención prestada y la respuesta a mis preguntas
> Hello, I'm Luis, I have some questions.
> I have not been able to update the program, it tells me that there is an error in the key to be able to download it
> Can the win-test be combined with the 2 tone? How can it be done? Any tutorial on how to join and configure both?
> I use an IC 735 and a signalink to work digitally, I have a problem, the program does not read my radio and every time I make a contact it stays on another frequency, I know that does not matter but I would like to know if it is possible to do what the program reads the radio to me, or if you suddenly know of someone who knows how to make that union, then I would love to talk to that person
> Thank you very much for your attention and response to my questions.
> HK6P
> --
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