[WT-support] Mixed mode QSO

Alexander Kurpiers a.kurpiers at gmail.com
Mon May 6 12:34:37 CEST 2024


I was at DA0FF this week-end of the "usual" VHF/UHF/SHF 24h contest. The 
contest rules allow for mixed-mode QSOs.

I worked a couple of stations transmitting in SSB and receiving in CW 
(because they were too weak). You can log that by changing the default 
59 rapport to e.g. 519.

Unfortunately (?) I also did the other way round: my 47 GHz signal was 
too weak for SSB in one QSO, so I transmitted CW.

To me that would mean: mode is CW and rapport is 59 (not 599). But it is 
impossible to log that, Win-Test is giving me an error in the field.

Contest selected is "European V/UHF - No mults".

(Accept for that - no problem during the contest, Win-Test was working 

Any idea how to solve this? Short term I can of course edit the EDI file 
generated before log submission, but longer term it would be great to 
have a working way to log this.

73' Alexander DL8AAU

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