[WT-support] Offset-Window do not open

Ralf Schueler dl4mw at schueler.ws
Sun Jun 30 16:10:13 CEST 2024

Hello Win-Test Team,

we have problems to open the options windows to set the transverter offsets.

Clicking on the menu under options or using the offsetsetup, 
offsetssetup commands don't show the offset window. Nothing happens.

May be it opens outside the screen or just nothing happens.

With offset / nooffset the "frequency offset" option can be toggled.

The Win-test version is the current 4.52.0. I run 2 other PCs with the 
same version where it works. Unfortunately, on the place with the 
transverters it fails :-(

Is there a condition (in the program source code) which must be 
fulfilled to open the Offsets-window?

73 Ralf, DL4MW

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