[WT-support] Win-Test 4.52.0 released / Selfspotting ARRL 10m DX Contest not usable

Michael Stark DC8YZ DC8YZ at darc.de
Sun Dec 15 21:07:41 CET 2024

Hi Win Test Community,

when the Selfspotting Option for ARRL Contest were released on this WT 
Version, i tested it with the ARRL DX SSB Contest.

It was able when you acitvated the Option and Pressing F1 to set a spot 
with your own Callsing and QRG in the DX Cluster.

Today i was qrv on the ARRL 10m Contest in Mixed Mode Class.

On SSB i activated the Self Spotting Option it was not able to me to set 
an Spot from me on the DX Cluster.

When i worked a other Station in S&P and pressed ALT + F3 it was able to 
bring the other Station in the Cluster.

So it was clear, that is no Problem with the Connection via WIN Test- WT 
Telntet to the DX Cluster.

A few minutes later i anlized how WT send the Spot into the DX Cluster

*S&P spot a other Station Alt + F3:        DX KW8N 
28405.8                                                    ----- a Spot 
was generated in the Cluster**
**Runing and Pressing F1:                          DX 28411.5 DC8YZ ARRL 
10m                                -----  no Spot was generatede in the 

I think the Problem is in the Self Spotting Mode Win Test sends the qrg 
and the own Callsing, so the DX Cluster accept this and will no new Spot.

Can you take a look on the behaviour ?

Thanks and 73 Michael

73 viel Spass beim gemeinsamen Hobby

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Stark, DC8YZ

Member of the DARC B13 (Roth-Schwabach)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Stark, DC8YZ
Member of     DARC OV B13

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[WT-support] Win-Test 4.52.0 released
Datum: 	Sun, 19 May 2024 13:18:04 +0200
Von: 	Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr>
Antwort an: 	Win-Test support mailing list <support at win-test.com>
An: 	support at win-test.com


Win-Test version 4.52.0 is now available for download:

http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.52.0.exe [full, 27 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.52.0-update.exe [update, 7.2 MB]

The update download is also available directly from Win-Test by using
the Help / Check for Win-Test updates... menu item.

As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.

Please find below the release file


4.52.0 (May 19, 2024)

- Lua API version string is 1.11.0

- Bugfix : Under some circumstances, WCY data were assigned to

- Autoscale the A chart of the solar data to accommodate any value.

- Update the CQMM DX code to accept AN (Antarctica) as a continent.

- The DXCC entity for rover stations (ex W1ABC/R) are now correctly
resolved. Tnx F5HRY.

- IARU FD Region 1 : Cabrillo file format updated to v3. Tnx DL8MAS.

- King Of Spain : M/M category on DX-side : Serial numbers are global
across bands. Tnx CT1DRB.

- NAC Microwave : Band multipliers updated. Tnx SM6VTZ.

- DARC Easter and DARC XMas : Rules updated (QSO and mults are now
counted per mode).

- Self-Spotting capability added. Works only for contests that
permit it, namely to date the ARRL contests, the Russian
DX (SSB only), the CQMM, and the DXPed logs.

Use Commands / Self-Spotting... (or the text command SELFSPOTTING)
to enable or not this feature, set the time between each self-spot
and the optional comment. These settings are saved per log.

You can also enable or disable the sending of the self-spots on
the fly with the text commands SELFSPOTON (or SSON) and

A self-spot is sent whenener a CQ key (as defined in the Tools /
Automatic CQ repeat dialog) is pressed, by respecting the rules
and limitations above, even if this key is redirected to a Lua
script. F1 is always considered as a CQ key by default.

- Lua : wtPacket:SendSelfSpot() sends a self-spot to the packet

WARNING : This API follows the same rules and limitations as the
built-in feature described above.

- Lua : wtContest:IsSelfSpotPermitted() function added. Return a
boolean value (true or false) is the contest rules permit
self-spots in the current mode of the active radio.

- Lua : wtPacket:Send(strText) function added. Send the strText
string to the packet cluster.

- When using the CQ repeat mode, and if a Lua script is tied to the
CQ key, the script is executed for every CQ.

- YOTA : Rules updated. Tnx HA3LN.

- NAQP : LCR parser added. Tnx N6TV.



Larry - F6FVY


Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris

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