[WT-support] How do disable transmission of leading zeroes in WAE QTC messages?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Aug 9 14:11:20 CEST 2024

Hi Bob

Le 09/08/2024 à 04:53, Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :

> I have used the NOLZ command to disable leading zeros.  Also NOCWABBREV.
> The WAE QTC window (Ctrl+L) is still sending $SERIAL with leading 
> zeroes, behaving like $RAWSERIAL.  Are leading zeros required (or 
> preferred) in WAE QTC messages, or is this a bug?

It's more of an oversight.

Please try the dev build #957 or better.


Larry - F6FVY


Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris

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