[WT-support] WIN-Test stopped keying K1EL Winkeyer USB

Lars Mahling lars.mahling at lars-mahling.de
Sat Oct 21 13:35:03 CEST 2023

Found it - but have no explaination why…

when Win-Test sets the WK  in Host-Mode it changes the keying port on the backside…. So WINTest was sending CW but not to the right radio… changed to the other key-port on the back side of WK and it works..

Whatever… contest is prepared.

73s DL7ALM, Lars

> Am 21.10.2023 um 12:17 schrieb Lars Mahling <lars.mahling at lars-mahling.de>:
> Last time I used WIN-test in CW was WAE in summer and now I want to prepare for the WAG contest. No changes since WAE to computer or radio.
> WIN-Test doesn’t key the connected K1EL WinKeyer USB. Indeed, Win-Test kills the WIN-keyer operation: When I connect WK to the USB port I can CW with the paddles. After WIN-Test tries to key a text (F1 CQ or ALT-K window) nothing happens and after that I can not CW with the paddles anymore.
> Any suggestions?
> Greetings / 73s 
> Lars DL7ALM 
> -- 
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