[WT-support] Win-Test 4.46.0 released
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Jan 20 14:05:23 CET 2023
Win-Test version 4.46.0 is now available for download:
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.46.0.exe [full, 26 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.46.0-update.exe [update, 6.8 MB]
The update download is also available from Win-Test by using the Help /
Check for Win-Test updates... menu item.
As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.
Tnx to Ben DL6RAI, Pablo EA4TX and Roberto IV3IYH for the translations.
Please find below the release file
4.45.0 (Oct 18, 2022)
4.46.0 (Jan 17, 2023)
- Lua API version string is 1.9.0
- Lua : wtApp:TextCommand now accepts "*" as strStn to send to all
stations of the network.
- Lua : New local variable wtFrom. Set to nil by default. Contains
the name of the station that sent the text command thru network
to run a local script. Can be useful when two (or more) stations
exchange data with scripts.
- Lua : New onBandChange event when there is a band change. wtArg
includes the band name and the radio as strings
(ex : "10/0" for 10m on radio1).
Reminder : The band name can have letters in it (2KM, 10G etc.)
onBandChange.wts example :
_, _, band, radio = string.find(wtArg, "(%d+[GKM]*)/(%d+)")
wtApp:AlertBox("Radio: " .. radio .. " Band: " .. band)
Tnx TK5EP.
- Bugfix : ARRL RTTY Roundup : The Check Mult window (F10) was
not filled properly. Tnx PA2A.
- WAG : LCR parser added.
- Cabrillo import : When the Cabrillo contest identifier is
unknown, Win-Test now offers the possibility to choose the
contest the log is referring to.
- Radio wnd / List view : When possible, set an inactive VFO
indicator. Tnx DJ0ZY.
- Carrier / Tune timer : The remaining time is now displayed
in the Stop button caption.
- Explore Current op. directory added to the File menu.
Two (similar) Lua API added to get this path :
- wtApp:GetCurrentOpPath()
- wtOp:GetPath()
- Lua : New wtKeyer:Load(strFileName) API to load messages
from a .smsgs file. If no path is specified, the current op.
directory is used. Tnx F6IFY.
- The default directory to save or load CW/RTTY messages is now
set to the current op. directory.
- The QTC transmit and receive dialogs are checked to be always
visible even if their positions were saved with a different
monitors configuration. Tnx F5UII.
- The WAE messages can now be saved and loaded.
- Partner Wnd : After a Q is entered and the window is cleaned,
the remaining content stays in place to not mess up the $GRABn
variables. Tnx FY5KE.
- Scripts manager : Refresh button added. Useful if you alter
directly the scripts directory.
- Ctrl-X now prompts for a text command to be executed on the
current QSO if it applies.
- The log caret / cursor can now be displayed as a solid block
(Options / Log). Text commands : BLOCKCARET / NOBLOCKCARET or
- When archiving, the full path of the generated zip file is copied
to the clipboard.
- When using RUN vs S&P, Alt-F4 (return to the last RUN CQ freq)
switches automatically to RUN. Tnx F5UII.
- WAE : Following the rules, if the received serial is set to 000,
points are credited only if it is a new mult. Tnx F5UII.
- Text commands : "NOTES" added as a text command to open the notes
file attached to the current log.
- Partner window : Partial callsigns or callsigns with wildcard
character(s) '?' are now removed if they match the callsign
entered in the log. Tnx FY5KE.
- Bugfix : When entering your own callsign in the log (to cancel a
QSO), your own location was displayed on the spots map (if enabled).
- Checkmark added to the freq offsets menu item if they're enabled.
- The summary data broadcast is now allowed for single-ops,
independently of the Master setting in the contest configuration
dialog. Tnx K2RET.
Bugfix : FT-891 : Code totally rewritten and it now works as
expected. Tnx RX3APM for report, and DK5MR for testing.
Larry - F6FVY
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris
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