[WT-support] Problems after Update to Version 4.50
Kazunori Watanabe
mj0cfw at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 16:15:15 CET 2023
Hello Michael and Laurent,
I have same problem so uninstall 4.50 then back to 4.49
Same as Michael described, my laptop PC is not always connected to USB-Serial devices so click error window default button on middle “disable it for this session” then Win-Test crashes.
Both Windows 10 Home and Windows 11 Home edition.
73 Kazu
> On 18 Dec 2023, at 14:30, Michael DC8YZ <dc8yz at darc.de> wrote:
> Hello Laurent, For me it is the case that I don't have a permanent PC to which the radio devices with their COM ports are permanently connected.
> A total of 4 Com ports are set up
> I use my laptop to connect various radios. I have a Yaesu FT-991 at home and an Icom 7300 at my QTH.
> However, both radios are configured in the Com Port Setup. However, sometimes one and sometimes the other TRX is connected...
> There are also situations where I don't have a radio connected to my laptop and I just set up a contest that will take place in a few days.
> I will also test version 4.50 on a PC to see if the problems also occur.
> I also look at what happens when a radio is connected.
> Not that it's another problem...
> Maybe a couple of OMs could also recreate this problem. What happens if no TRX is connected an Com Ports are not disabled.
> Thanks Michael
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Michael Stark, DC8YZ
> Member of DARC OV B13
> Am 18.12.2023 um 14:56 schrieb Laurent HAAS - F6FVY:
>> If there is no radio connected to the COM6 (that can't be opened apparently), better disable it (totally, if it doesn't exist at all - check the device manager). If the COM6 still exists, but is not used, just disable its use in the interface setup dialog before opening the log.
>> Olivier added the serial-over-telnet capability to the interfaces and rewrote some portions of the serial code for that. Maybe it's interfering with your current setup, despite I didn't notice anything on the various installations I dealt with since 4.50.0 is out ?
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