[WT-support] Problems after Update to Version 4.50

Michael DC8YZ dc8yz at darc.de
Mon Dec 18 14:29:17 CET 2023

Hi Laurent,

thanks for your help.

I tested again with version 4.50 as you wrote. I opened win test with 
the Control Key down. The problem also occurs when I open a new log and 
Win Test then searches for the Com interfaces and wants to open a log, 
the program simply goes to . I don't currently have a radio connected. 
Do you think it has anything to do with it? That shouldn't really be the 
case, right? With version 4.49 and previous versions this works without 
any problems

Thanks Michael

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Stark, DC8YZ
Member of     DARC OV B13

Am 18.12.2023 um 12:23 schrieb Laurent HAAS - F6FVY:
> Do you mean it can't open the (previously opened) log ? How can you 
> tell it "searches" for the COM interfaces ?
> If you have "log auto-reload" enabled, you can disable it by starting 
> Win-Test with the Ctrl key down. Win-Test will not load the previous 
> log, and you will be able to disable it in the Options menu.
> BTW, the Croatian CW doesn't exist anymore. It's been replaced by the 
> Croatian DX and is implemented in the last dev version available (not 
> 4.50.0).
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