[WT-support] WT freezes randomly with contest recorder on

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Aug 10 09:43:14 CEST 2023

Hi Chris

Le 10/08/2023 à 08:07, Christian Janssen DL1MGB a écrit :

> We have a 3 PC setup (Windows 10), 1x IC7610, 1x Flex 6400, 1x TS590. All WT 4.47.4. All three are now running for two days, all three with contest recorder on. Randomly, WT on any of these three can freeze and has to be aborted and restarted.

Are you saying that it's because the recorder is on that Win-Test 
crashes, or is it a coincidence ? To be fair, I personally never 
recorded over 48h or so in a row (the mp3 file size is around 600 MB in 
that case).

For the record (pun intended), we have several Win-Test running on 
remote stations for days or weeks in a row (with no recording) and only 
power outages make them restart ;-) But, there are running on Win7 
machines (for those I know).


Larry - F6FVY


Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris

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