[WT-support] ICOM 705 Setup
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Apr 26 23:33:50 CEST 2023
Hi Franco
Le 26/04/2023 à 23:04, Franco Prete a écrit :
> First. question can I use Win Test-on satellite QO-100??? Tx 2.4 Mhz
> rx10 Ghz???
Not directly for now. You have to log the Q on 2.4 GHz (not MHz) on a
separate VHF+ log and edit the ADIF file to make compatible with the
QO-100 standard to upload on LoTW etc.
I intend to add a DXPed log setting for QO-100, but it's not done yet.
> Second question why I’am not able to change tx/rx mode on my 705…only
> cw.. not change to ssb??
Do you mean you can read the freq in the radio window etc. but you can't
change mode from the callsign entry field ("SSB", "CW", etc) ? Are you
sure you configured correctly your log as MIXED (or All modes) ?
Larry - F6FVY
Si vis pacem, para bellum - Végèce, Epitoma Rei Militaris
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