[WT-support] Win-Test 4.38.0 released

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Oct 28 12:00:07 CEST 2021


Win-Test version 4.38.0 is now available for download:

http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.38.0.exe [full, 14 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.38.0-update.exe [update, 6.6 MB]

The update download is also available from Win-Test by using the Help / 
Check for Win-Test updates... menu item.

As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.

Tnx to Ben DL6RAI, Pablo EA4TX and Roberto IV3IYH for the translations.

Please find below the release file


4.38.0 (Oct 25, 2021)

- Lua API version string is 1.7.0

- Defensive coding to check the log file when opening to prevent file
   corruptions. Tnx DL1DAW.

- Workaround for the USBSER.SYS bug that doesn't update the RTS line
   until DTR is accessed. Tnx R2AXZ (author of the Blue Pill Serial

- RDA Contest : Cabrillo updated to v3.

- WAE Transmit and Receive windows : New messages available.

- WAE : New CW variable $RAWTIME to send the QTC time with cut numbers

- WAE : Transmit QTC window : A QTC line can now be directly sent by
   using the coresponding  numeric key (0 sends the line labelled 10).

- Lua : New wtContest API :
   wtContest:GetCategoryId(), wtContest:GetModeCategoryId(),
   wtContest:GetPowerClassId() and wtContest:GetOverlayId() added.

- Lua : For standardization purposes, the microHam and OTRSP events
   scripts are now renamed :

   microhamFsOn -> onMicrohamFsOn
   microhamFsOff -> onMicrohamFsOff
   otrspCrOn -> onOtrspCrOn
   otrspCrOff -> onOtrspCrOff
   otrspCrEvent -> onOtrspCrEvent

   For now, to maintain compatibility, the script legacy names are
   still executed.

- Lua : New scripts called on log opening (onFileOpen) and on log
   closing (onFileClose).

- EU HF : The Cabrillo header is updated (EUHFC instead of EU-HF).
   Tnx DL6RAI.

- CQWW DX : The Youth overlay is added to the Overlay drop-down list.

- CQWW DX : The Explorer category is added to the Category drop-down
   list (Single-Op Explorer and Multi-Op Explorer).

- Bugfix : LCR parser fixed for the CQ WPX reports.

- In the contest settings dlg, you can now set the default power class
   to use when creating new logs. Tnx DL6RAI.

- Bugfix : CW : The spaced digits option was not read when starting
   Win-Test. Despite the ckecked option in the menu item, it was not

- New archiving feature : File / Archive... (or ARCHIVE text command).
   It creates a timestamped zipped file in the log directory of the
   files related to the current log that are selected.

   Warning : Archiving audio recordings file that are usually pretty
   large can take a while... Be patient.

- For standardization purposes, all timestamped files are now
   timestamped to the nearest second.

- Time Shifting : The selection of the QSO and the stations are now
   independent. And a backup of the log is automatically performed
   before proceeding. Tnx EA7X/EF4HQ.

- Bugfix : CQWW VHF : When using the default CW messages, the sent grid
   was 6-char instead of 4-char. Tnx F5HRY.

- Bugfix : IARU HF : There are cases where different DXCC entities have
   the same Society (ex OH and OH0) and were counted as different mults.

- Bugfix : The "Dupes included or not in QSO counts and avg
   calculations" string in the summary text was always in local language
   even if summary in English was selected.

- Marconi Memorial HF : Points per QSO updated.


Good luck in the coming CQWW SSB !


Larry - F6FVY


All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability
to sit quietly in a room alone.

Blaise Pascal, Pensées

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