[WT-support] SO2R switching using *

Don Beattie g3bj.don at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 10:29:38 CET 2021

Setting up WinTest today for the RSGB Commonwealth Contest has revealed a
problem here. The * key no longer switches the focus. I see that WT reports
"MicroHam device init error" but it all seems set up OK. If I switch to
DXLog, it switches perfectly.

Before I take everything apart here, are there any other things I might
have forgotten?  I'm using 4.34.1 here with a MicroHam u2R.    WinKeying
works fine - the function keys play and the * moves the screen logging
window highlight. It just does not seem to be sending the command to the
u2r. I had a W10 update today, but I doubt it is that, as the same
installation with DXL is OK.

Any ideas?

73, Don, G3BJ/G5W
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