[WT-support] Win-Test 4.34.0 released
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Jan 28 17:07:32 CET 2021
Win-Test version 4.34.0 is now available for download:
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.34.0.exe [full, 14 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/v4/bin/wt-4.34.0-update.exe [update, 6.6 MB]
As usual, use your login / password to access the download area.
Please find below the release file
4.34.0 (Jan. 25, 2021)
- Lua API version string is 1.6.0
- Bugfix : CQWW 160m : The exchange database file ARRL-USVE.DTB wasn't
loaded. Tnx DL4MM.
- Bugfix : UK/EI : If the district field was manually filled before
the serial number, that field was emptied when the cursor got back
to the callsign. Tnx PA2A.
- QQSLON / QQSLOFF or QQSL / NOQQSL text commands to enable (or
disable) the Quick QSL feature. QUICKQSL still opens the Quick
QSL settings dialog. Tnx F6IFY.
- EU-DX Contest added. Requires EU.DAT countries file. Tnx IK6QON.
- Lua : wtRadio*:SetFreq(fFreq) and wtRadio*:SetFreq(fFreq, nVfo) now
ignore the freq if it's outside of any band, and return with no
error message. Tnx F6IFY.
- Lua : wtQso:IsModeDigital() and wtQso:IsModeCw() added.
- Lua : nQsoNum (optional) added as argument to
wtQso:GetData([nQsoNum]) function.
- LCR : IARU HF LCR processing rules updated.
- 5VDE added as an exception callsign.
- LCR : If Win-Test supports LCR review and the contest has been
entered in a multi-op category, an Operator column is added
in the review dialog. Tnx F5HRY.
- OK/OM contest : LCR processing added. Requires to save the "rejected
QSO" page as an html file and to load it in Win-Test. Tnx F8BXI.
- CQWW DX : LCR processing rules updated to fit the new CQWW LCR
- ARRL Contests : The ARRL has finally unified the US States and
VE provinces and territories lists, and the Prince Edward Island
abbreviation is now PE for the ARRL DX, ARRL 10 and ARRL roundup
RTTY contests.
- NAQP : The Prince Edward Island abbreviation is now PE. Tnx N6TV
and AC0W.
- NA Sprints : The Prince Edward Island abbreviation is now PE.
- NRAU contest : New abbreviations for some Fylke / Lan / Province /
Region updated. Tnx ES7GM.
- RAEM Contest : The polar circle location (giving extra bonus points)
was slightly wrong.
- Script manager : The minus key located in the numpad is now
considered different from the key located in the character keys.
To be consistent, the same rule applies when redefining keys.
Tnx F5HRY.
- Bugfix : The IC-9100 couldn't work... Because of a stupid typo !
Tnx DL2AKT and N6TV.
- Bugfix : WAE RTTY : When the log was reopened, the next sent QTC
group number was wrong. Tnx DL6RAI, DJ9MH and DJ4MZ.
- JIDX : 160m added to the SSB leg. Tnx N6TV and N6KI.
- Icom IC-705 added. Tnx OH1MA.
- "Ethernet network" reworded as "Local Network" to prevent confusion.
Tnx FY5FY.
Larry - F6FVY
All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability
to sit quietly in a room alone.
Blaise Pascal, Pensées
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