[WT-support] SSB messages in WAEDC QTC traffic?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Sep 9 19:58:27 CEST 2020

Hi Tonno

Le 09/09/2020 à 17:57, Tonno Vahk a écrit :

> I am thinking it would be great to have a message like short Roger linked to Enter to be sent after every QTC line just like R in CW. And then would be great to be able to send thank you message after all QTCs just like after QSO.

Having additional recorded message is a totally different matter than 
playing the "built-in" messages from the QTC window.

Also, TBH, I think that these message won't help much, and probably even 
slow you down : You *must* have completed all the QTC fields before 
hitting Enter and sent "Roger". Unless you are a high speed typist (I'm 
not ;-) ), there are chances you'll be tempted to say "Roger" while you 
still have the last number(s) in your head... In that case, it's much 
easier (IMHO) to physically say "Roger" while you still typing. My 2 


Larry - F6FVY


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to sit quietly in a room alone.

Blaise Pascal, Pensées

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