[WT-support] ALT-F4

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Sat Jul 4 13:06:53 CEST 2020

Hi Gilles and Bob

Le 04/07/2020 à 04:34, Bob Wilson, N6TV a écrit :

> Type DEFINEKEYS [Enter] in the logging window, and make sure F4 has not 
> been remapped to F1.
> Type SCRIPTS [Enter] in the logging windows, and make sure no unusual 
> script has been assigned to F4
>  From the menu select Operating, Modify the scenarios or use the 
> Secondary Radio Window to double click on the active scenario, and make 
> sure no scripts are being called there that might change the RUN frequency.

Also, check in Tools / Automatic CQ that F4 is *not* defined as a "CQ 
key" for the given mode.


Larry - F6FVY


All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability
to sit quietly in a room alone.

Blaise Pascal, Pensées

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