[WT-support] Strange problem switching bands with TRX connected by Omnirig and same IF
Alexander Kurpiers
a.kurpiers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 15:16:45 CET 2019
Hi Bob,
I'm unfortunately not in front of the setup... but the software is about
2 years old (Omnirig). Need to check, if it is related to the VFO B.
I will try native IC7100 instead of OmniRig - but I'm fairly sure that
it works (as a similar setup works with IC7400). And I need Omnirig in
the end (as I need to control the radio from Win-Test and HPSDR at the
same time)
I agree that having 2 bands mapped to the same IF is problematic. But as
I wrote this works for the setup with IC7400 (native support, not
through Omnirig). That setup runs with "Don't Poll", I guess the problem
is there.
And I don't agree that Win-Test can't decide on the right frequency - if
in doubt and the current frequency "fits", why switch bands?
Just to confirm: there is only one IC7100 connected and I switch between
10 and 24 GHz by switching the transverters on the transceiver input.
Then I switch bands (manually) with the blue arrows in the UI. I see the
band change in the UI, but it changes back immediately. It stays on the
right band only if I set the "Don't poll" option.
(It is not a huge deal - if I'm very lucky, I'll do 10 QSOs on 24GHz...
in 24h)
73' Alexander
On 3/25/19 7:18 PM, Bob Wilson, N6TV wrote:
> I am currently updating the .INI files used by OmniRig for most modern
> Icom radios, including the IC-7100.
> Are you selecting IC-7100e4.ini? There may be a problem in that it is
> returning both VFO A and VFO B and "Operating Freq", and it's not
> clear which one Win-Test will use. If you press A=B does it make any
> difference?
> Do you see the same problem if you set Radio type to IC-7100 instead
> of to OmniRig?
> What values are you entering in the Frequency Offsets dialog? If you
> are using the the 2m band on the radio for both 10 and 24 GHz, and
> switching back and forth between 10 and 24 GHz, then I don't see any
> way for Win-Test to display the proper frequency. Win-Test is
> designed to mapping one band on one band (2m in your case) to one
> other band, not one band to two other bands. Or are you you using TWO
> IC-7100s? Are you using SO2R mode in Win-Test?
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 7:18 AM Alexander Kurpiers
> <a.kurpiers at gmail.com <mailto:a.kurpiers at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a strange problem... my transceiver is connected to Win-Test
> using Omnirig (it is a IC7100 - but should not matter).
> If I change bands in Win-Test, the new band is displayed for a very
> short time, then Win-Test switches back to the previous (lower) band.
> I'm sure the problem is due to using the same transceiver
> frequency for
> both bands - in my case 146 MHz for 10 and 24 GHz. The frequency
> offset
> is set, so both bands for Win-Test both yield the same frequency
> received from Omnirig.
> I know it is a corner case, but I want to report nevertheless, maybe
> there is a solution.
> Obviously it is some kind of race between Omnirig polling and the code
> that switches bands and tries to figure out the band based on the
> frequency reported by the transceiver.
> To add to the confusion: on another band (13/6cm) I have a very
> similar
> setup, but there I use CIV directly (to a IC7400). And there it
> works...
> Currently, the only way to switch to 24 GHz is to turn off polling in
> the Win-Test setup. Then the frequency of course is not displayed
> anymore in the radio window. Not a huge deal.
> 73' Alexander DL8AAU
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