[WT-support] ESM script
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Wed Mar 21 00:58:20 CET 2018
Welcome to Win-Test Björn.
(For others who are curious, when using ESM mode, you should see RUN or S&P
displayed in the Clock window. If not, type RUNSP [Enter] in the logging
window to enable it. NORUNSP [Enter] disables it. Ctrl-Tab toggles
between RUN and S&P.)
Yes, the problem is that clicking on a spot auto-fills the exchange and
moves the cursor to the exchange field, which breaks the ESM logic for S&P
mode. Also, selecting a spot doesn't automatically switch you to S&P mode
(which would be a nice enhancement).
As you may know, Alt-F4 returns to your established RUN frequency (set by
last F1, marked by "CQ" in band map), but it doesn't automatically switch
you to RUN mode, which would be another nice enhancement. But, I can make
that happen with a new LUA script. QRX.
As you noted, Win-Test does *not* pre-fill the exchange when ESM is enabled
*and* you are in S&P mode *if* you type in a callsign manually. Logically,
it really should behave exactly the same whether you type or click:
If ESM is enabled, and mode is S&P, do NOT autofill the exchange when spot
clicked, or Ctrl-Up/Down/Ctrl-Space pressed
I think this is a bug that should be fixed. Though I can write a short LUA
script that automatically clears the exchange field by simulating Ctrl-W
after handling Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Down, there's no way to call a LUA script
when you click on a spot, only when you press a key.
In the mean time, the sequence would be:
Press Ctrl-Tab if necessary to toggle to S&P mode
Grab Spot by clicking it or pressing Ctrl-Up/Down or Ctrl-Space
Press Ctrl-W to clear the pre-filled exhange
Press ENTER to send your call (as many times as needed)
Once he comes back to you and sends and exchange, then press spacebar
(twice) to auto-fill the exchange
Press Enter to send your exchange and log the QSO
You can avoid the need to press Enter twice by adding #CTRLPLUS to the end
of the S&P F2 message, e.g.:
Where CtrlPlus.wts is from CtrlPlus.zip which you can download from
https://bit.ly/wtscripts . The Ctrl-Plus key, which this script emulates,
silently logs a QSO.
The built-in $CR macro also logs a QSO, but it happens immediately, instead
of *after* the exchange is sent, which is why I prefer #CTRLPLUS.
Anyway QRX for some new scripts that will mostly make S&P and ESM work
smoother, but only when you press the standard keys instead of clicking.
Bob, N6TV
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:11 PM, Björn Ekelund <bjorn at ekelund.nu> wrote:
> I am an N1MM convertite and one of the features I really enjoyed with N1MM
> was the very intelligent ESM functionality.
> I have tried both the built-in mechanics as well as the two ESM scripts
> listed in the Win-Test Wiki but they all suffer from the same issue in S&P.
> The "normal" case works well, you enter a call sign, hit Return and your
> call is sent. Once you get a response you hit Space, enter the exchange,
> Return sends your exchange and then an additional Return logs the QSO.
> One unnecessary Return compared to N1MM, but ok.
> Also, when calling a spot, you hit ctrl-Arrow/ctrl-Space to grab the spot,
> then the rest of the sequence is as above.
> However, the combination of calling a spot and automatic exchange guessing
> does not work well.
> In this case you grab the spot with ctrl-Arrow/ctrl-Space (which also
> triggers an exchange guess) and when you hit return, your exchange (!) is
> transmitted instead of your call. A second Return will then log the
> contact.
> So in this particular case, the sequence will be F4, Return instead of
> Return, Return.
> I am no stranger to LUA (I have written macros for a major MMORPG online
> game in my past) but before I start designing my own ESM script I just want
> to find out if someone else have already written a script that handles also
> this case.
> Any feedback is appreciated,
> Björn SM7IUN
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