[WT-support] Win-test 4.28 IOTA contest
Michael Ruttenberg
mjruttenberg at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 23:00:13 CEST 2018
I agree with Zoli. So long as the number sent is the incremental and unique, it doesn’t matter if that number is +1, +2 or +562. And yes, you send that number and log what you receive from the other station.
If your software gives you the same number for 2 (or more) QSOs this would be a defect.
There is no requirement for the numbers to not be missing numbers in the sequence. This happens all the time, e.g. station A has been given number 123. Station B presses space and reserves 124. Station A sends and logs 123’s QSO. Station B aborts the QSO. No 124 is sent to anyone.
It doesn’t matter if 125 is then reused later out of chronological sequence or 124 is never sent to anyone for the rest of the contest. 125 can be allocated to the next user, station A or station B. It doesn’t matter if 124 is never sent, nor if it is sent out of chronological order.
It isn’t worth getting hung up on a non-existent requirement, certainly not for any RSGB contests.
(On the RSGB HF Contest Committee but this is my own opinion)
> On 4 Aug 2018, at 13:37, Zoli Pitman HA1AG <ha1ag at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Friday, August 3, 2018, 5:12:20 PM GMT+2, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr> wrote:
> > As a reminder, I already demonstrated several times on this list that :
> >
> > - Ordered Numbering (as a whole)
> > - No missing number
> > - No duplicate number
> >
> > can't be achieved with several transmitters running at the same time.
> >
> > At best, you can meet two out of these three requirements, but not all
> > of them.
> None of these is a requirement in the rules Larry. IOTA, CQWPX etc. There is only one requirement: The number sent over the air must be logged. Win-test fails on this requirement many times as it has been discussed several times on this list. It is just sad.
> 73, Zoli HA1AG
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