[WT-support] AFSK RTTY and Bandmap

Dez Watson g3ww.dez at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 15:31:35 CEST 2017

Hello All,

I had a play in the CQWW RTTY last weekend using a TS-480SAT with the PC 
soundcard triggering the radios' VOX in SSB mode to keep things simple. 
With limited preparation time before the contest it meant any issues 
would be highlighted during the contest.

The first problem I had was most RTTY spots from the RBN/cluster weren't 
showing on the Win-Test bandmap. I quickly sorted this one out by 
altering the bandplan to widen the RTTY segment, so for 40m I made the 
RTTY segment 7030 - 7100 and deselected CW and SSB.

With the bandplan information correctLy determining that all spots 7030 
- 7100 were now RTTY, I clicked on a spot and it would retune the radio 
but send the radio from SSB (LSB) to FSK each time causing me to change 
the mode on the radio back and then do a retune to find the signal. I 
could not overcome this issue whereby the radio kept changing to FSK 
each time I selected a spot from the bandmap.

I am wondering whether there is a way to:

1. Not change the radio's mode when you select a RTTY spot if you're 
using AFSK in order to keep the radio in SSB.

And if so,

2. Add a frequency off-set to RTTY spots (which could be +/-) to account 
for the Mark frequency which is off-set from the surpressed carrier 
frequency or dial frequency of the radio.


Dez, G3WW

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